
La semaine derniere...

... nous etions au lac d'Hostens avec 2 copines et leurs enfants. Il faisait super beau, et l'endroit est magnifique: un grand lac, plusieurs plages de sable fin, des pins pour faire de l'ombre... Je n'ai pas beaucoup de photos car j'ai egare momentanement l'appareil photo (comment ca je perds tout??!!!). Donc 3 photos recuperees de ma copine, une des "grands" et 2 des minis.

2 commentaires:

Marilyn la Californienne a dit…

This lake is just the right size for a beach for the little children. Thank you to your friend also for the nice photos of your happy group. And now the photos are safely stored on the Internet -- to look at on a cold day in January! Hugs.

(Thought I'd throw a little American English at you for a trip down memory lane today!)

Marilyn la Californienne a dit…

Hi Emmanuelle, Thanks so much for your nice comment on the Dana Point blog post. I can imagine you and les ptits pepes there -- and me strolling past. That certainly could have been the case. Perhaps this year, like last year, you are near a lake and enjoying some swimming vacation. Best wishes from this side of the ocean to your side. Bisous !